The Stichting Filipino LGBT Europe (The Filipino LGBT Europe Foundation) congratulates and supports the introduction of the Philippine Corporate SOGIE Diversity and Inclusiveness Index #CSDI2018. Spearheaded by the Philippine LGBT Chamber of Commerce with its partnership with research firm Cogencia, through the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Philippines.

The Philippine Corporate SOGIE Diversity and Inclusiveness Index #CDSI2018 aims to set standards for organisations to benchmark themselves against international and local practice in Diversity in the workplace. The study hopes that this new information will come handy in a time of great innovation, efficiency, development, and business excellence in the region as companies know more information about Diversity, realise themselves, and embrace SOGIE Diversity.

Kudos and appreciation for their efforts is extended by the Filipino LGBT Europe to international and local companies in their leadership in showing importance of respect and equality, regardless of the absence of policies and standards set in place by the Philippine government, has provided initiative in making sure that the workplace standards gives security and protection in promoting diversity and inclusivity in their workplace.

The foundation believes that this is an important step that will open opportunities for other companies to follow. The foundation also pledge its commitment and urge local companies in the Philippines to follow in offering their commitment in making their workplaces more LGBT-inclusive, through actionable steps such as SOGIE training in the workplace and SOGIE-specific equal opportunity statements.

The index provided by the Philippine LGBT Chamber of Commerce is available at their website:

Together with our partners, let us all aim in making sure companies promote and implement equality and inclusivity for all in workplaces in the Philippines.

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