AMSTERDAM – Ayuda sa Amsterdam resumed Food Aid distribution on Friday, 15 January 2021 with a new appointment system and longer distribution hours.
A total of 229 persons affected by covid-19 pandemic received help from Filipino LGBT Europe last night at Mozes and Aaron Church in Amsteram, The Netherlands. Throught its newly launced online appointmen system 196 persons successfully registered online to bookd an appointment and additional 19 persons booked by phoning or sms.
A new appointment system was introduced to avoid overcrowding and to make sure not everyone will come all at the same time.
To accommodate 250 persons, distribution time was extended dividing people to batches of 10, accommodating maximum of 25 persons in the time frame of 15mins. The plan was to accommodate 20 persons seated inside the church while the remaining 5 persons queueing outside the chruch.
A new flow was also intorduce to accommodate the new system. Additional table was also installed to speed up the distribution process even further.
Flyers with information on what is happening in the church was also prepared to give away to people who are passing by and asking the reason why there are people queueing at the church. With this flyer, the passer-by was invited to to be part of the initiative with an invitation to make a donation to the organisation.
Sarah Vollmer Roose from The Food Aid Programme of Red Cross Netherlands and Sander Havermans from Amsterdam Gemeente were present to observe.
Mirre Beek from The Digital Food Aid Program of Red Cross was also present to provide support and answer question about the newly launched Digital Aid Program
Lalaine Siruno, a University / Phd Migration researcher from Univesity of Masstrich was also present to talk to some of the recipients.
To ensure the smooth implementation of the new distribution flow and appointment system, taking in of new applicants to receive aid was temporary suspended on Friday. This was communicated ahead of time and made public and expected to resume next week.
This is the first Ayuda sa Amsterdam distribution in the year 2021. Filipino LGBT Europe in cooperation with Red Cross Netherlands, Moses and Aaron church and other partner organisations has been helping the community for the past nine months.
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