This week a total of 349 persons helped by the Filipino LGBT Europe – Ayuda sa Amsterdam – Food Aid Distribution Program.
Grocery Food Vouchers were once again distributed to those who are still in hardship due to the effects of the covid-19 pandemic.
Additionally, ten Filipino Senior Citizens received an extra help from the Philippine Embassy The Hague and donations from De Papegaai Catholic Community and Sant’ Egidio Community. Earlier this month fifty Filipino senior citizen were selected to be the recipients of the additional help. Thirty-eight received the vouchers and donations on 5 Feb 2021, yesterday another ten senior citizen recevied their help.
The foundation wishes to express its gratitude to all it’s volunteers and their partner organisations Philippine Embassy The Hague, Netherlands Red Cross, Sant’ Egidio Community, the De Papegaai Catholic Community and FILCOM-NL for their support and cooperation.
Digital Food Aid
Physical Food Voucher
Senior Citizens Received Extra Help
Persons Helped
If you need help, you may read more on what we do via the link below. We do weekly distribution of food aid in Amsterdam.
Alternatively, please send an email to
Do you want to volunteer or help us with us with our work? Please kindly send an email to
Alternatively, you may also make a donation via the link below: