Last Friday, 7th May 2021 Filipino LGBT Europe – Ayuda sa Amsterdam Team distributed and provided a total of 531 services consisting of grocery food vouchers, food packs, digital food aid and medical assistance. The foundation also conducted it’s first FREE HIV Testing to the community in cooperation with Dokters van de Wereld (Doctors of the World NL).

A total of 30 persons was helped together with Dokters van de Wereld, 19 of which availed the FREE HIV Testing and 11 persons for general medical check up.

In addition, FREE Blood Pressure Check were once again offered this week  in cooperation with a group of Philippine Registered Nurses. There were 28 persons availed of this service last Friday.

This week 324 Digital Food Vouchers, 66 Food Vouchers for Albert Heijn supermarket and 87 Plus grocery packs were also distributed. All of our recipients were those who are still in hardship due to the effects of the covid-19 pandemic.

The foundation is once again very thankful for the additional 72 grocery food packs worth EUR 50 each from PLUS Supermarket Grocery we received this week. The grocery food pack from PLUS Supermarket includes a mix of non perishable food items, juice packs, detergents, soaps, etc. 

The foundation wishes to express its gratitude to all it’s VOLUNTEERS and partner organisations in particular The Netherlands Red Cross, Albert Heijn, Plus and Moses and Aaron Chruch / Sant’ Egidio Community in Amsterdam the Netherlands and Dokters van de Wereld.

Digital Food Aid

Physical Food Voucher

Plus Grocery Pack

Medical Help

Total Help


If you need help, you may read more on what we do via the link below. We do weekly distribution of food aid in Amsterdam. 

Alternatively, please send an email to


Do you want to volunteer or help us with us with our work?  Please kindly send an email to

Alternatively, you may also make a donation via the link below:


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