How can undocumented immigrants arrange for their vaccination?
There are several options:
Undocumented immigrants can ring 020-5555202 to schedule an appointment for a vaccination. This can also be arranged through an interpreter. You will then agree on a date and time at a GGD (public health service) location in Amsterdam.
2. RAI VACCINATION (with FLYER — photo in the post)
RAI is open for walk-in vaccinations. From Monday 28 June, undocumented immigrants can go to RAI without an appointment in cases where scheduling one is not possible. Please kindly show the flyer with this post. Please note that the RAI is unfortunately at its maximum capacity this week, to assist persons as good as possible please come as of July 5th when possible.
3. MOBILE Vaccination Centres
The GGD has mobile vaccination teams that move around the city. Other locations welcome walk-ins as well. You can then stop by without an appointment. The GGD has mobile vaccination teams that move around the city. We will inform the networks and use flyers to let you know where we will be. You can then stop by without an appointment. Until Friday 2 July there is a daily mobile vaccination team from 13.30-18.00 on Annie Romeinplein in Zuidoostwhere people can come without appointment for a vaccine Janssen or Pfizer (in the case of Pfizer you get a second appointment).
Which vaccine will undocumented immigrants receive? Can they choose?
Undocumented immigrants can choose whether they want the Janssen vaccine or an mRNA vaccine. If you choose Janssen, you will get one shot. If you choose mRNA, you will get two shots, and you must make a second appointment and return to the vaccination location after a few weeks. An appointment will be scheduled for this when you receive your first vaccine.
How will the vaccination for undocumented immigrants be registered in the systems?
The GGD will register your name and date of birth and, if you have one, your mobile number in a GGD system when you receive your first vaccine. This information will not be shared with the police or IND.
Are undocumented immigrants provided with a proof of vaccination, and will it be valid for international travel?
If you are vaccinated by the GGD, you will receive a registration card. The GGD can also record your vaccination in the yellow vaccination booklet. Whether this is valid for travel differs by country. There will be a digital coronavirus certificate that they can use for travel in Europe which will be available to people with DigiD. The government is looking at what will be available to people without DigiD.
Are there interpreters available at the vaccination location? If not, can I bring someone that can help with translations?
We speak several languages at the vaccination locations. We can use the phone to contact an interpreter that speaks your language. You can also bring someone to translate yourself.
Useful websites
Reliable information about the coronavirus vaccines (GGD Amsterdam website):…/betrouwbare-informatie…/
General information about coronavirus vaccination (Dutch Government website)
Side effects reported to the independent Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb (Lareb website):
Information in other languages:
English-language GGD page about coronavirus vaccination in Amsterdam (GGD website, Public Health Service of Amsterdam):…/coronavirus-vaccination…/
Information about coronavirus vaccinations in other languages (GGD Amsterdam website:…/coronavaccinatie-talen/
Information about coronavirus in other languages (GGD Amsterdam website):…/informatie-andere-talen/
FAQs (answers to frequently asked questions):
GGD Amsterdam:…/vragen-coronavaccinatie/
Dutch Government:…/corona…/vraag-en-antwoord
Phone numbers
Multi-lingual consultation hour: 06 34 26 49 38
Medical questions from citizens about their own vaccination > GGD Medical Information Service for Citizens: 088 767 40 80
Do you have general questions about the coronavirus? If so, please call the national information service: 0800 – 1351 (available daily between 08:00 – 20:00)
For questions about coronavirus that are specifically for the GGD Amsterdam-Amstelland, please call the GGD coronavirus information service: 020-5555202 (available daily between 08:00 – 20:00)