This information is from our friends from Red Cross Netherlands
Because of the cold weather upcoming days, the municipality of Amsterdam decided to open the winter cold shelter. The shelter will open today Thursday December 2 and will end Monday morning December 6. All homeless people, including undocumented people, have access to this shelter. Adults only. Please inform those who are on the street.
Access to the shelter
Register for night shelter at the GGD between 16:30-22:00. The address is Transformatorweg 6, 1014 AK Amsterdam
The GGD will ask you a few questions and will then tell you which location you can go to. You can go to the shelter between 16:30-22:00. You can sleep there, have a shower, eat a hot meal and eat breakfast. The next morning you have to leave before 09:30. Everything is free of charge.
Please find all information via the Red Cross website: