“A business is only as good as its leadership, and whilst it takes many hands to make a company work, CEOs hold the majority of the responsibility and power in any organisation. This is a tough challenge for any CEO, regardless of expertise or experience.”
Congratulations to our Chairperson Chris Sta Brigida for winning the CEO of the year 2021!

“A successful Chairperson is expected to be fully equipped with skills ranging from effective communication and having a solid knowledge of their business, to providing all Board members with a voice.
At the summit of every successful business is a Chairperson committed to oversee all processes and to drive the business forward: a task that cannot be conducted lightly. Chairpeople are notable for ‘steering the ship’ and shaping the direction of their organisations with their and strong, iron-willed personality. There is a demand for leaders who are willing to take risks, commit to allowing all board members to have a voice, and demonstrate balanced, critical thinking.”
That is exactly what has Chris Sta Brigida showed for the last years especially during the pandemic. He has showed us resilience, showed us a good example of inclusivity by expanding the foundation’s initiative to help out every Filipino in the community in The Netherlands, not just to the LGBTQ+ community.
In behalf of the Filipino LGBT Europe, CONGRATULATIONS once again! We are proud and honored that you are our leader!
To read more about the award: https://www.ceo-review.com/awards/chairperson-awards/